
YouTubesupportsdifferentdataspeedsettingsforlivevideosbasedonthevideoquality.Essentially,thebitrateistheamountofdatayousendeachsecond.,2020年3月12日—YouTubestreamingbitrate·4kvideosat60fps:20,000–51,000Kbps·4kvideosat30fps:13,000–34,000Kbps·1440pvideosat60fps:9,000– ...,Thecurrentbitratefortheaudiostreamishigherthantherecommendedbitrate.Werecommendyouuseanaudiostreambitratevalueof128Kbps.Thecu...

YouTube Bitrate Settings

YouTube supports different data speed settings for live videos based on the video quality. Essentially, the bitrate is the amount of data you send each second.

Best Live Streaming Settings for Facebook, YouTube ...

2020年3月12日 — YouTube streaming bitrate · 4k videos at 60 fps: 20,000 – 51,000 Kbps · 4k videos at 30 fps: 13,000 – 34,000 Kbps · 1440p videos at 60 fps: 9,000 – ...

Live streaming error messages

The current bitrate for the audio stream is higher than the recommended bitrate. We recommend you use an audio stream bitrate value of 128Kbps. The current ...

The Best Settings for YouTube Stream; YouTube Studio

2023年8月7日 — This will provide valuable insights into your uploading capabilities. Refer to YouTube's recommended bitrate ranges, available on this YouTube ...

Help with bitrates for streaming games to YouTube

2023年11月24日 — The stream's current bitrate (1015.86 Kbps) is lower than the recommended bitrate. We recommend that you use a stream bitrate of 13500 Kbps. I ...

Best Streaming Settings for YouTube Live

YouTube provides bitrate requirements for every resolution and frame rate you may want to stream at. 4K at 60fps: 20,000 - 51,000 Kbps; 4K at 30fps: 13,000 ...

Choose live encoder settings, bitrates, and resolutions

Stream resolution detection with custom stream keys in Live Control Room ; Ingestion Resolution / Frame Rate. Minimum Bitrate setting (Mbps) AV1 and H.265.

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Moo0 VideoInfo 1.10 - 查看影片進階資訊
